Braces vs. Invisalign: What’s the difference?

Do you require braces, or are you looking at orthodontic options for your child or teenager? Facing the prospect of needing orthodontic work can be daunting and you may have lots of questions.

Ultimately you want to choose the best treatment to do the job.

If you are considering in investing in a teeth-straightening treatment, here are some of the mains points to consider when looking at Invisalign vs. braces:

What is Invisalign?
Invisalign are effectively clear braces. Invisalign helps to treat a number of different straightening issues, which can include overcrowded teeth, under bites and widely spaced teeth. The main difference between wearing braces and Invisalign is that unlike a set of braces, Invisalign is almost completely invisible and contains no wires. Undergoing the treatment requires you to wear a set of aligners which are specially made for your teeth. These aligners will need to be changed on a regular basis, usually every two weeks, as your teeth begin to move into their desired position.

What are the main benefits of Invisalign?

More comfortable to wear.

For the majority of people, one of the main benefits is that unlike braces, Invisalign is much more comfortable to wear. This is because it doesn’t have metal parts like wires and brackets that can irritate parts of the mouth.

You can take them out when you want to.

Unlike braces, which can only be removed by a professional orthodontist, it is possible to remove your Invisalign aligners every now and then, such as for a special occasion. Having the option of being able to remove your aligners also means that it is easier to give your teeth and gums a thorough clean when brushing and flossing.

Having the ability to remove your aligners yourself can also be a benefit to those who play contact sports or musical instruments.

More aesthetically pleasing

The cosmetic benefit of being able to wear clear aligners (indeed, almost invisible) cannot be undervalued. If you are planning a special occasion like a wedding or special birthday you can rest assured that you won’t be able to see your aligners in the photographs, letting you smile with confidence.

What are braces?

Traditional braces are metal brackets that are glued to the teeth, and tied together by wires and tiny rubber bands. Brackets can closely match you natural enamel or you can get them in colour to make a fashion statement.

What are the main benefits of braces?

The cost investment

The cost of treatment varies based on the length or treatment and the complexity of the problem, however metal braces can cost significantly less than that invisalign. There can be a difference in up $500 in price between braces and invisalign.

They are more effective for complex issues
Traditional braces give orthodontists most control over the treatment process. This can lead shorter treatment times than with other brace systems like invisalign, which means you can obtain a perfect smile in a shorter period of time.

No temptation to leave them out
Because you cannot remove traditional braces you are less likely to forget to replace them if you have taken them out while eating or for a special occasion. This is good for people who are less disciplined about their orthodontic routine.


If you are looking to undergo treat to help straighten your teeth and are considering Invisalign vs. braces, then speak to one of our specialists, who are on hand to answer any of your questions about the Invisalign method.

For more information on your orthodontic options, contact us or book an appointment today!