Early Orthodontic Treatment

The aim of early, or first phase treatment, is to address specific problems that can potentially impact the normal growth and development of your child.

At an early age we can identify problems that can easily and efficiently be corrected, which is why it is advised that once your child gets a visit from the tooth fairy, they should then visit an Orthodontist.

Treatment usually lasts for 6-12 months during the mixed dentition phase while the teeth and jaws are still developing. We aim to guide growth and dental eruption to prevent impactions and alleviate or reduce the need for future complex Orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign First is a series of custom-made clear trays that are designed specifically for young children. They are like traditional Invisalign trays made for adults but are made with special features that are designed for the rapidly changing younger mouth. They are much easier to wear and are less invasive than traditional alternatives such as expanders and braces.

Once your child has completed this phase of treatment there will be a time when they will wear a retainer to hold the teeth and allow for the natural eruption of the adult teeth. These are worn at night to maintain the result and allow for normal growth and dental development. We will continue to monitor your child as they grow and start losing their baby teeth on periodic review while we watch them grow.

To book a complimentary consultation please head to our enquiry page.