New Year, New You.

Has a straighter, brighter smile been something you’ve been thinking of but have never gone through with?!

Why not make 2023 the year for YOU!


Orthodontic treatment has many benefits. Apart from a straighter smile, orthodontic treatment can help with a number of other health concerns, such as breathing and sleeping issues.

At Fresh Smiles Orthodontics Dr Vanessa Hawkins not only helps you achieve a straighter smile but also aims to give you a better overall outcome, making you feel happier and healthier.

Some reasons as to why orthodontic treatment could benefit you are;

  • Crowded teeth.

When it comes to crowded teeth, it can be very hard to clean properly. Toothbrushes are not designed to brush in between teeth and even with flossing, when teeth are crooked and overlapping it may not be as effective as you would think. Being unable to clean correctly and leaving food between crooked and crowded teeth will cause long term issues, such as cavities and in some cases lead to teeth being extracted.

  • Tooth wear.

If teeth are twisted or on unusual angles, they may wear down quicker then teeth that are in alignment, leading to enamel damage which cannot be reversed.

  • Receding gums.

Gums are what surround and protect the tooth and their roots, helping them stay in place. If a crowded tooth is pushed outwards this can cause the gum around the tooth to recede and in the long term makes the tooth less stable. Receding gums cannot be reversed.

  • Airways.

Bite correction plays a big role in your orthodontic treatment and can improve your airway greatly. Depending on bite you may find that breathing and sleeping comes with some difficulties. Correcting your bite with elastic wear, or in some necessary cases surgery, can help open your airway therefore improving your breathing patterns and allowing you to sleep better and feel better.

To book a complimentary consultation please head to our enquiry page or reach out to reception on 52444466. We offer payment plan options with small deposits and between Braces and Invisalign, we will be able to help you find the right treatment for you and your lifestyle.